Co-curricular Options

Every student has access to a range of co-curricular options, including languages, music, the arts, community service, leadership and sport.

Offering our students a rich and diverse range of activities.

The Co-Curricular Program runs from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm on Wednesday afternoons weekly. It is a valued program that offers our students a rich and diverse range of activities that open up new opportunities and experiences away from academic study. It offers students the chance to work in teams, learn new skills and develop leadership. It is a key part of the Year 10 and 11 program and helps us to develop the “whole person” at John Monash Science School (JMSS).

The Co-Curricular program matches the UNESCO Four Pillars of Education. If you complete 1 program from each pillar over your two years of the Co-Curricular program, then you will earn extra “developing the whole person” JMSS Diploma points. However, this aspect of the program is not compulsory.

Your co-curricular selections and performance in these subjects can earn you Diploma Points, which are credits that you collect to earn your JMSS Diploma.

Co-Curricular Information Book and Subject Guide 2025

What is Co-Curricular and what is the subject selection process?

Learning to Live Together.

The following subjects expose our students to the values implicit within human rights, democratic principles, intercultural understanding and respect and peace at all levels of society and human relationships.

Advanced DebatingMini Mathematicians
DebatingMusic Composition and Song Writing
Little ScientistsTabletop Games and Board Games

Learning to Do.

These subjects provide our students with the skills to enable them to effectively participate in the global economy and society.

Digital ArtPersonal Fitness Training
Lego RoboticsRobotics and Emerging Technologies
Minecraft Engineering

Learning to Know.

The following subjects provide the cognitive tools required to better comprehend the world and its complexities, and to provide an appropriate and adequate foundation for future learning.

Brain BeeKnitting and Philosophy
Cells to SystemsReading Group

Learning to Be.

These subjects provide self-analytical and social skills to enable our students to develop to their full potential psycho-socially, affectively as well as physically, for an all-round ‘complete’ person.

Creative and Critical ThinkingMen's Health
Dance BollywoodMonash Sport
Drawing and PaintingOrigami
Leadership ProgramWomen's Health

Approved alternatives to the Co-Curricular Program.

We recognise that changes to secondary school at Year 10 or Year 11 can interrupt plans that have been made previously. We also encourage students to continue to pursue their own interests and passions, therefore, the following options are offered to cater for these students.

These opportunities are included in the web preferences list. Once the application has been approved, the student’s co-curricular program will be finalised with them on an individual basis to cater for the time they need to complete this activity.

Elite Sports - Students competing at a National Level.
VET Subjects - Students studying an additional VET subject.
Special Projects - Students selected for Science Fair.
Adopt as your fundamental creed that you will equip yourself for life, not solely for your own benefit, but for the benefit of the whole community.

Sir John Monash

Primary School Outreach Programs.

These flagship projects allow JMSS students to develop leadership and responsibility by developing and teaching skills to primary school groups each week. 4 different primary schools, with 4 students from grade 5 or 6, attend JMSS and are taught Science, Maths, or Robotics by our students. This incredible opportunity is one of our most popular and rewarding subjects.

  • Little Scientists
  • Mini Mathematicians
  • Robogals

RoboGals is run in association with RoboGals Monash and RoboGals Australia.

Download the 2025 Program Details here

Opportunity to explore mathematics.

Following on from the success of the “Little Scientists" program, JMSS offered a new program in 2018 called "Mini Mathematicians" which is aimed at providing primary school students with the opportunity to explore mathematics and problem solving like real mathematicians do. The Mini Mathematicians program has been incredibly successful.

Delivered by passionate mathematics and science students.

Sessions are focussed on building problem solving skills and students’ ability to communicate mathematics and science effectively. Feedback from schools, teachers, Principals, parents and students has been overwhelmingly positive. In light of this, JMSS will offer the program again, and is seeking Expressions of Interest from primary schools who may wish to participate.

Program Details.

  • Programs comprises of  four fortnightly sessions will occur on Wednesday afternoons at JMSS, beginning at 1:30pm and finishing at 3pm;
  • Schools can access the program in ONE of terms one, two or three. Please note we will do our best to meet all demand;
  • Each school may have up to four students involved, and 24 students can be catered for (i.e. six schools) at each session;
  • A program comprising four sessions following a common theme in Science;
  • Training and support for the JMSS students teaching the program;
  • One of our laboratories for the program;
  • All materials used in the experiments;
  • Laboratory technician presence during the workshops;
  • Support for students to complete their projects and display them at JMSS;
  • Opportunities for Primary teachers to observe lessons and engage with our students and teachers regarding the content and processes

For further information or application please contact the school. 

Join our PS Outreach Mailing List

Do you want your Primary Students to participate in the JMSS PS Outreach Program?
Join our PS Outreach Mailing List to be informed of the upcoming application period!