Music Program

Our students take weekly lessons, play in music groups, perform at school events, and participate in competitions. Students who already play an instrument are encouraged to continue their music at John Monash Science School (JMSS), and students interested in playing an instrument for the first time are encouraged to take lessons.

Music Ensembles and Lessons are a thriving part of school life at JMSS.

John Monash Music ensembles perform at school events and functions. Our ensembles compete at Generations in Jazz, VSMF, Essentially Ellington and Royal South Street Eisteddfods.

Voice & Instrumental Music - Enrolment Application

Enrolment Application 2025

JMSS Instrumental Music Department has an expectation that the student will continue with lessons for the entire year, once they have commenced. This allows the Music Department to fulfil our commitment to our highly qualified instrumental staff whose services have been engaged for the year.

Music Tuition will be payable via the Compass Payment Centre

2025 Voice & Instrumental Music - Enrolment Application
JMSS Music Program

Ensembles include:

JMSS Choir
Stage Band
Concert Band
Catalyst String Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble
Flute Ensemble
Brass Ensemble
Saxophone Ensemble
Guitar Ensemble
JMSS Chamber Choir

The Music House.

Instruments offered*

FluteTrumpetViolinDrum Kit
BassoonEuphoniumDouble BassMallet Percussion
(Xylophone, Marimba,
Vibraphone, Glock)

Also on offer.

ContemporaryContemporaryBass Guitar