Sporting Opportunities

Every student has access to a range of co-curricular options, including languages, music, the arts, community service, leadership and sport.

Offering our students a rich and diverse range of sporting activities.

Physical Education is a core study for all Year 10 students and consists of practical
and theory sessions. John Monash Science School (JMSS) recognises that physical activity is
linked to emotional well-being and academic performance. Apart from the associated health
benefits, it is also a means of releasing tension and aiding relaxation.

Physical Education classes will access the impressive array of sporting facilities at Monash
University, and the hard court facilities on our own school grounds. The Year 10
program will include a mixture of individual and team sports, as well as competitive and noncompetitive activities. Physical Education also incorporates aspects of Health and the JMSS Learn To program to develop the whole student.

Curriculum Focus

To provide our students with experiences that allow them to access and engage in physical activity. To experience the physical and emotional benefits of physical activity. To build the confidence and competence to seek out physical activity as a method to regulate their own overall wellbeing. This ties in with Health through Nutrition, Lifestyle Illness and Mental Health.

Learning Outcomes

To develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to enable students to access, evaluate and synthesise information to take positive action to protect, enhance and advocate for their own and others’ health, wellbeing, safety and physical activity participation across their lifespan.

Sports and Activities

Term One :
Orienteering, Tennis, Ultimate Frisbee, Wheelchair Basketball

Term Two :
Basketball, Squash, Indoor Soccer, Minor Games

Term Three :
Squash, Badminton, Indoor Soccer, Volleyball, ‘Own game’ presentations

Term Four :
Indoor Hockey


• Lifestyle Illness Report
• Planning an Activity
• ‘Own Game’ Presentations
• Career Action Plan