
Our curriculum is challenging yet stimulating and allows students to explore the leading issues pervading current scientific research and understanding.

Contemporary curriculum, co-constructed with Monash academics.

John Monash Science School (JMSS) achieves its aims through strong partnerships with researchers and academics in a broad mix of scientific fields at Monash University. This collaboration ensures that the courses offered at JMSS are not only rich, challenging, contemporary and relevant, but also incorporate the latest scientific knowledge and understanding. Co-constructed with Monash academics, our curriculum allows students to explore the cutting edge of scientific knowledge in areas such as physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, mathematics, engineering, biomedical science, geography and computer science, among others.

Throughout Years 10 to 12, the school has implemented the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS), the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the new Australian Curriculum. Most VCE studies are offered. Some students accelerate above their age’s academic level, and many students access university enhancement subjects on the Monash campus alongside traditional Year 12 subjects.

JMSS Students In Front Of Whiteboard

Emerging Science Electives.

JMSS students can study emerging science electives in fields such as astrophysics, pharmaceutical science and bioinformatics. Through our partnership with Monash University, all Year 10 students are able to undertake an extended science research project with guidance from expert mentors.

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JMSS Students Using Robotics

Access to a range of co-curricular options.

Every student has access to a range of co-curricular options, including languages, music, the arts, community service, leadership and sport. JMSS believes in a holistic education for all students, and the strong focus on personal wellbeing and empowerment, physical activity and leadership development is a feature of life for students at our school.

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Year 10 Curriculum.

While JMSS has a strong focus on science and mathematics, the curriculum is broad enough to develop students’ skills and capacities across all fields.

In Year 10, all students study English; Mathematics; Science (Core sciences including Physics, Chemistry and Biology); Emerging Science elective units (all are unique to JMSS) in fields such as Nanotechnology, Pharmaceutical Science, Astrophysics (Quantum Physics and Astronomy), Geoscience and Bioinformatics; Issues Studies (the interface between the Humanities and the Sciences); Emerging Technologies (a range of fascinating options in Computer Science); and Learn To, which includes Physical Education.


VCE offerings in maths and science:

Biology Mathematics – General, Methods, and Specialist
Chemistry Physics
Environmental Studies Psychology


JMSS students may also study:

Accounting Languages
Economics Literature
Extended Investigations Media Studies
Geography Music
History Physical Education
Information Technology Politics


Also offered at JMSS:

Community Service and Leadership Training Performing and Creative Arts
Environment/Sustainable Living Swimming, Basketball, Netball, Cricket, Quidditch and other Group Fitness
Languages Tabletop Gaming and Warhammer

VCE Curriculum.

Our school’s innovative curriculum is co-written with Monash academics and informed by the latest research in the sciences, learning, and teaching. These subjects have included Units 1 and 2 Mathematical and Computational Physics, Units 1 and 2 Biochemistry, and Units 3 and 4 Algorithmics. This broad range of subjects leads to multiple pathways through and beyond VCE.

An extensive range of VCE studies is also available for students in Years 11 and 12, with enhancement opportunities for all students to access higher-level studies. This includes access to University Extension studies for suitably qualified students in Year 12. JMSS is working with the University to ensure there are several enhancement options for students in their third year of study at JMSS, such as first-year University science subjects.

Enrichment Studies.

The learning programs at JMSS are enriched for students in two major ways.

The Monash academic liaison staff have been able to bring the cutting edge of scientific knowledge and research into the classroom, both in some of JMSS’s unique studies and in VCE studies. This strong liaison means that JMSS students engage in exciting activities such as astronomical observation nights, geological and biological field trips and camps, student-led conferences such as our annual Nanotechnology Conference, creation of advanced computer simulations and robots, and Mathematics and Engineering Immersion Days, all of which foster a sense of community and collaboration among our students.

Our students have access to first-class research and teaching facilities at Monash, with examples such as the use of the Geoscience and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Laboratories, Monash Sporting facilities, Australian Synchrotron, Monash Library resources, Performing Arts Centre and research laboratories in the STRIP (Science, Technology, Research and Innovation Precinct).